Guitars - Paul O'Neill
Guitars - Al Pitrelli
Piano & Keyboards - Robert Kinkel
Piano & Keyboards - Jon Oliva
Guitar - Chris Caffery
Bass - Johnny Lee Middleton
Drums - Jeff Plate
Guitars - Tristan Avakian
Guitars - Angus Clark
Guitars - Alex Skolnick
Bass - Chris Altenhoff
Bass - Greg Lake
Keyboards - Luci Butler
Keyboards - Shih-Yi Chiang
Keyboards - Jane Mangini
Keyboards  - Derek Wieland
Violin - Roddy Chong
Violin - Anna Phoebe
Drums - John O. Reilly
Drums,Guitars & Bass - Dave Wittman
Vocals - Jay Pierce
Vocals - Tim Hockenberry
Vocals - Jeff Scott Soto
Vocals - Rob Evan
Vocals - Jennifer Cella
Vocals - Alexa Goddard
Vocals - Valentina Porter
1-01. Night Enchanted
1-02. Childhood Dreams
1-03. Orchestra Sparks
1-04. The Mountain
1-05. Night Castle
1-06. The Safest Way Into Tomorrow
1-07. Mozart And Memories
1-08. Another Way You Can Die
1-09. Toccata-Carpimus Noctem
1-10. The Lion's Roar
1-11. Dreams We Conceive
1-12. Mother And Son
1-13. There Was A Life
2-01. Moonlight And Madness
2-02. Time Floats On
2-03. Epiphany
2-04. Bach Lullaby
2-05. Father,Son And Holy Ghost
2-06. Remnants Of A Lullaby
2-07. The Safest Way Into Tomorrow(Reprise)
2-08. Embers
2-09. Child Of The Night
2-10. Believe
2-11. Nutrocker
2-12. Carmina Burana
2-13. Tracers
2009년 10월 27일 발표된 그들의 5번째 앨범

Posted by evilman